Club Subscriptions InformationThe annual subscriptions are set at the AGM of the Club and run for one financial year. Our financial year runs from 1st July to 30th June.
Payment InstructionsDirect Credit:
ASB 12-3024-0496171-00 Mini Car Club Auckland Inc. Please use your NAME and member number (if you have one) as reference [email protected] Membership BenefitsAn annual membership gives the following benefits
• Newsletter • Membership Card • Club Discounts • Monthly Club Night • Free Technical Advice • Club Convoys • Economy Run • Rallies • Inter Club events • Field Trips • National Mini Meet (Labour Weekend) • Inter-Club Sprint Event RulesOur members behave responsibly and sensibly so everyone can enjoy club events. As a requirement of attending club events, attendees participating in the events of the Mini Car Club of Auckland Inc. (MCCoA) will:
● Do so at their own risk and will indemnify the organisers of the event for all losses, actions, claims, expenses, property damage, and demands in respect, accident, injury, or death as a result of their, or their passengers’ actions. ● Attendees will obey all NZ Road Rules, hold a current Drivers Licence, WOF and Car Registration. ● Take responsibility for your own and your passengers' Health and Safety, and will not operate a vehicle when suffering any disability likely to affect control of the automobile. ● At all times act with due care and courtesy to other road users and not undertake any actions that may bring the MCCoA into disrepute. MCCoA accepts no liability for any accidents, theft, damage, or injuries incurred leading up to, during, or after club events. MCCoA reserves the right to exclude any vehicle or person from an event for any reason at any time. New MembersYour membership bits should be ready at the first club night after we see the payment in the bank account (given a couple days to get them together). No worries if you can't make it - we'll post them to the address you've registered with after that.
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